Frequently Asked Questions
Can we as a hospital, manage our own articles and videos?
Yes. Articles, videos and any messages can easily be added, changed or deleted. You can also arrange the topics in the app’s library as you see fit.
Is it possible to expand to other departments, for example pediatrics?
It is certainly possible to extend the platform to other departments, for example paediatrics. In that case, it also becomes possible to ‘switch’ departments; the parent then retains the diary with stored data, but after switching departments, they will receive different articles, or other things to keep track of. Please contact us for more information.
Can the timeline with all messages be saved or printed?
The NeoCare diary will display all information in a clear overview; data entered by the parent themself, such as weight, photos and own memories, but also messages from the ward with photos.
The parent can share the diary with others. A PDF overview with all recent events and memories will be send to the receiver via email .
What happens to the photos from the app for nurses?
Once a message with photo/video has been sent it will be deleted immediately. Nothing is left behind on the iPad itself or on a server.
Are our care givers trained in the use of NeoCare?
We have kept the use of NeoCare as simple as possible for users and care providers. Training and instructions are available for the caregiver and additional support is available if needed.
Is NeoCare also supported with promotional material?
Yes, when a hospital purchases NeoCare, it comes with a ready-made promo package with the hospital’s name/logo. This package includes user manuals, banners and posters.
We also provide support in drafting press releases and social media campaigns.
I have a question about NeoCare, but can't find the answer.
You may have a question with regards to NeoCare for which you don’t have an answer straight away. Don’t hesitate to contact us using the contact form. You can expect a swift reply.